Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Here is a picture from deployment past. Meet your pilots; on the left, LT Mabbit, and on the right, LT Mabbit. That's right, husband and wife. You don't see that every day. So the story behind this unusual event starts towards the end of my last deployment when LT Mabbit's squadron (on the right) was in the process of taking over for LT Mabbit's squadron (on the left) and we were tasked to fly the admiral to deja-do Korea just days before my flight back home off of deployment. There was a lot of brass on that flight to include my commanding officer, the commanding officer of VP-46 plus the boss man himself. It just goes to show that with that much brass around, anything can happen.


noel joy said...

lucky guy to have her by his side. :)

Stan said...

yeah! no kidding :-(

Jackie said...

thot it was illegal to have spouses work together??? Sheez..then Noel could fly with you too :)

Stan said...

well...maybe! I like the be with me part though!