Wednesday, December 12, 2007

No that engine is not broken, I am simply employing a simple fuel saving technique. At low altitudes it is a common practice to loiter (shut down) an engine in order to reduce our fuel burn. You should try this technique in you car. If you're burning too much fuel simply shut down one of your four engines and watch how much fuel you save!


noel joy said...

does this work with tires too?

Jackie said...

Yikes.....wonder what would happen if you stopped all the engines like that and really saved fuel????

elizabeth kartchner said...

I feel like such a sissy boy looking at your blog..."yeah, I'm just flying a frickin huge plane with only one engine 500 feet above the ocean in Japan."

I need a bubble bath.

Stan IS the man!


noel joy said...

lol! go sing yourself to sleep with your pretty girl voice collin... let the "real" men do the work... LOL!!!!! :D :D :D

elizabeth kartchner said...

93% of mockery is just jealousy...if I sang myself to sleep with my foghorn bass voice, the rumbles would create a tsunami all the way to Okinawa. Surf's up Stan!


noel joy said...

well at least you can sing like a girl... i can't even do that!!! :D

so you're saying we can blame tsunamis on you then? just to be sure...

Stan said...

Looks like I need a surf board to go along with my big frickin' plane ;-D

Anonymous said...

I wonder why they don't do this on "commercial flights"? Hmmmmmmmmmmm????